The Walk

Deborah Krulicki
1 min readApr 6, 2020
Painting: “Backroads Of My Memory” by Deborah Krulicki

I spoke with a friend today

and perhaps it was because of the times

that we talked of loss.

The loss of those we love and once carried in our arms.

We had walked empty country roads together

and found pathways barely passable.

Through the eyes of the children

Each new trail

was … fresh

and endlessly enchanting.

Now I walk down roads alone.

And they walk down roads alone

or with their lovers

and their own enchanted small companions.

That is as it should be.

But without them,

I sometimes miss

the cry of the mourning dove

and the notes of the wren.


I have begun

to find once again my sense of wonder.

Not through the eyes of a child

But somewhere deep within my own soul.

For I know that one day

And possibly, soon

they may seek me out

to say that somehow

they have misplaced their magic.

I am going to smile at them

and say, “come,

let’s take a walk together.”

and we will begin again

with new found reverence

for the dove and the wren.



Deborah Krulicki

I am an artist, a writer and I have known both joy and tragedy. I live at the edge of a Great Lake and find wonder each day in the grandeur of simplicity.